Fall 2014
Sorry. That was lame. It’s been a long day of meeting Drake Bell and talking Hanson and I’m a little loopy. But the tiebreaker is over and winners are posted! Congrats to all who won and thanks to all who voted. You can click on the “Winners” link above to see if you won and…
Okay, they’re not that bad, but there are a few sticky ties that I need untied before I can post the winners. I did leave voting open an extra day, and it did help, but we’re not quite there yet. Tiebreaker voting is now open on the “Vote” page and will close on Friday, November…
Well, nominations were a little slow compared to last year, but some great stories are in the running (and even more great ones just barely missed out). You can head over to the “Nominees” page to see the full list. The final stats are as follows: Total nominations: 37 Total stories/series nominated: 60 Total authors…
Since nominations are about to close, I figured it would be a good time to post another unofficial list. You still have until Monday, October 20th at 11:59pm to send yours in. If you’ve already sent them in, you can send in more, but only if you don’t nominate the same story/stories again. And once…
Last year, I posted a few unofficial nominees lists to let everyone know how things were going. It seemed to go over well, so I’m doing it again this year. I’ll probably post another list a few days before nominations close. The number of nominations is listed next to the author’s name, and you can…
It’s very close to midnight, so here I am, getting things ready to go for the nominations. Please check out the categories and rules, then head over to the page titled “Nominate” and send in your choices. Before you do, here are two important things to remember: Please make sure you are nominating stories in…
When I brought these awards back last year for a second round, hanfic was just starting to boom again. It’s been a great year for us, and there are so many new stories since last fall that I think deserve awards, too. So we’re back, and a new round is starting in just two weeks!…
Finally, the winners are posted! I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who voted. The standings changed a lot over the last two days and I came within 11 votes of maxing out my monthly submissions on Jotform. Incredible! There were still two ties, which I let stand because they weren’t big…
116 votes later, and we’re done! Winners/awards and some stats will be posted tomorrow afternoon.
The voting form is now up, so you are free to cast your vote at any time! Remember that you have to vote in every category, and you are only allowed to vote ONCE. Good luck to all the nominees! 🙂